
I am a Product Designer from Singapore, who enjoys solving complex problems with accessible designs for all users and data to support business goals.

Linear Background
Linear Background
Linear Background
Linear Background

Design Principles


Ensure that my user's journeys are clear and intuitive to understand with familiar design patterns.


Consider how my designs will seamlessly accommodate future features and additional information.


While functionality is crucial, some visual appeal can enhance the user's experience and engagement.


While functionality is crucial, some visual appeal can enhance the user's experience and engagement.

Frequented Softwares

Code Knowledge

Code Knowledge

Code Knowledge

If you have scrolled this far, you will get to discover some fun facts about myself. Even though they may be considered weird to some of my friends.

Fun Facts

Fun Facts

  • I collect peculiar looking stones from water bodies of countries I travel to. My favourite have been the ones from Scotland.

  • Thai food is probably my favorite cuisine, due to their bold and diverse flavours often found in dishes like Pad Thai.

  • The only Apple product I had ever owned and still do, is an iPod Classic.

  • I somehow find myself rewatching the Redline (2009) animated film every year since 2015.